How many times have you jumped to quick judgements, conclusions, labels and made-up stories of what you absolutely ‘know’ is taking place based on what your physical eyes just ‘saw’? Ya, I’m talking about the ‘appearance’ of things.
How could it be any different? we mutter inwardly, calculating from our view of the world through our limited experiences and embedded beliefs. Sometimes what we see makes us afraid and through the constrictive lens of fear we see through a very narrow scope and so righteously point at what ‘appears’ to be, as if that’s all there is, and as if nothing else could be true.
I saw you today, and me, and all of us –
It’s tiny grains of sand magnified 250x’s -….THIS IS WHAT SAND REALLY IS.
Did you know when you held ocean sand in the palm of your hand and watched the sand pour through the cracks between your fingers that you were really holding precious ancient gemstones, rich in texture, color and beauty.
That’s you and me – that’s our heart, that’s who we are. We are a mixture of richness, beauty, truth, divine and rare gifts of Love. Underneath all our human-ness and what we often discount, criticize in ourselves and others, when we open and go deeper, peer intently closer – we see a magnified vision, we truly ‘see’ we are all love.
And, if tiny grains of sand are this – what do you think the rest of the world, and everything in this magical, amazing, magnified Universe is?
I am in awe.
Wishing you eyes wide open, seeing through your heart, listening for the deeper truth and remembering who you (and that other person) really are. Love, loved and loveable.
Here’s the link about the sand image.
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