I honestly don’t feel qualified to talk about this – the word that so easily and almost flippantly rolls off our tongue at times, and other times is the only word that we can find to come remotely close to our deepest feeling and indescribable presence we feel inside.
I’ve been contemplating – and wonder what your thoughts are?
My year began with a yearning to connect into the silence. The place where all is silently still and only the breath of divinity was the presence.
I wanted to be intimate with the silent power of Love and experience this ‘is-ness’ that continually, without missing a beat always provides, fills us up to the brim with peace, deep inner joy, and is the answer to everything.
You and I feel this fullness, but truly I’m convinced this kind of Love is infinitely deep, eternally expansive and so much more. This Love, this most powerful of all power here, is just waiting for us to tap into, to become and flow with.
There’s so many expressions of the power of Love, not to mention each one of us being individually an amazing, unique expression of Love itself.
Love so multi-faceted as the most brilliant diamond, but indeed, could it be – the most powerful expression of Love is what comes forth in silence?
A flower unfolds, the sun shines, evening sets, morning comes, stars twinkle, they are all sounds of silence. The flora, grass, people, animals and all that grows – grows in silence. Leaves sprout, leaves fall, a tiny breeze softly blows, the rainbow appears all in silence.
A presence is felt, not heard. The snowflakes fall, a smile and just a look is given, a baby is formed, cells replicate and regenerate all without sound.
Still waters mirror a perfect reflection and not a sound is heard while truth is what we see.
The way of the heart is silent – faith being the evidence of things not seen yet, kindness and compassion that change a moment, a day and a life. Forgiveness that sets ourselves free – all are silent.
Does it not seem like of all the power, empowerment we seek – is it not found in the silence of Love?
Wishing you moments of deep silence within your heart, the knowing you are Love itself connected to the very breath of all that IS, and that all is well. All is well.
loving you,
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