I’m so glad you are here. I am beyond grateful to take this journey with you! – The journey into discovering your TRUE self and going to the places inside where you see yourself the way an angel sees you. The journey that sets you free to revel in your true divine nature, and unfurls your wings to fly above those obstacles of unworthiness, not good enough, unloveable and all those other debilitating lies.
This course is designed as an 8-week course. Each week integrates a new practice. The modules build upon the next, so with consistent practice at the end of 8-weeks you can see, appreciate and know yourself in a whole new and beautiful way.
- Every class a new video introduces the particular week’s theme and practice.
- Saturday weekly recorded calls are not the same as the video. These calls go more in-depth to what was introduced in the video.
- Simple weekly practices.
- Pages highlight the weekly practice and often tell of my personal experiences which coincide with the theme and how the practices have changed me and my life.
Watching the videos and listening to the phone replays several times during the week will uplift your spirit each time, and they will also remind you of how to cultivate new habits that move you into a deeper appreciation of yourself in your wholeness.
My love to you,
Class Modules
Class One
- Self-devotion: 2 hours 2 days a week acknowledging your heart.
- How to listen to your heart wherever it calls you.
- Falling in love with yourself as the beloved.
Class Two
- Becoming aware of the subtle ways we punish ourselves.
- Embodying flow by surrendering to love.
- Moving deeper inside your beautiful sacred heart.
Class Three
- The Unbelievable Rice Experiment.
- Magic of Love.
- Your Word is Your Wand.
Class Four
- The Universes Inside You.
- Acknowledging the miracle of one single cell in you.
- Your kingdom – Your choice.
Class five
- Seed of all Miracles.
- Your Pure Essence in Full Bloom.
- Embodying your Natural Glow from the Inside Out.
Class Six
- The Magic of Your Joy.
- Where Freedom Begins and Wings take flight.
- Living in the infinite possibilities of Love.
Class Seven
- Defining Love as Pure Acceptance.
- Loving you-Listening to your voice.Loving Your voice.
- The Wholeness of the Flower in the bud and you.
Class Eight
- Personal Retreat-Day Kit.
- Celebrating Infinite You.
- The Miracle of Love and Life that is already done.
From my heart to yours, made especially for you, if….
You crave inner calm
And would like to hear the whisper of your own sacred heart, and ‘know thyself’.
You are tired of pretending
And comparing yourself, never truly feeling ‘at home’ or safe in your body and in this world.
You feel like you are constantly chasing something
Always looking for inner peace, happiness and prosperity, but never seem to ‘get there’.
Life seems hard
It seems like life works for everyone else, but not you, no matter how hard you try.
You wish for lasting joy and sparkle in your life
Life seems empty because you feel empty inside.
Deep down you are afraid
There’s almost always an underlying worry of ‘not enough’.
You have already tasted inner freedom
And would like to nurture, grow and flourish in the truth of your divinity and be supported, inspired and mentored.
You are exhausted
Trying to manage life from the outside in and you are so weary of trying to make and/or manipulate your success.
You are yearning to relax
Relax into life – living, glowing and watching magic happen, loving and living from the inside out.
Your Bonus Youtube
Refer to this youtube whenever you need assurance you are loved, that all is well and all will always be well. This is a magical youtube filled with healing energy.
Your Bonus Meditation