It seems my glorious bike rides often serve as a meditation retreat for me. I was feeling not so good inside, peddling and coasting, taking in the beautiful sight of my friend the river, and noticing the turmoil within. I just don’t feel clean inside I thought, in fact, I feel so impure; I truly feel like a hypocrite. I’d spent quite a lot of time that day running tapes over and over in my mind of how I might do things different than that other person. I like that other person – a lot, but wow! They are really screwing up!
The sunlight was peeking through the trees in a brilliant starburst shimmering on the dancing leaves moved by the silent breeze, in that moment, I heard a familiar scripture that had graced my childhood and I had often pondered…’blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God’.
There’s that word ‘pure’ again-suddenly aware the impurity of my thoughts had filtered in through my heart and narrowed my vision into this tiny scope of made up judgments, and that’s ALL I saw. What a simple realization! My heart will be pure when there is no judgment-and in those instants I will see God. I will see God. I will see God in myself, in each other, my breath, your breath, the moment, and in all of creation.
I remembered a quote from Mother Teresa that I long coveted…’I see God in every human being’. How was that possible? For years I have wished for the capacity to look past the outer shell, and see God in everyone as she did. ‘God’, meaning that that is beyond the mind, the energy that moves through life, that is life and is our breath, that something greater than ourselves, the heart intelligence, the feeling of gratitude that fills our being and expands our heart in awe as we look into the eyes of a newborn, every intricate exquisite flower, individual snowflake and glimmering sunrise. ‘God’, in other words, that incomprehensible, unconditional divine Love, no matter who, no matter what, no matter when, no matter where. Which of course means, inside that perfect love there is no judgment; no judging myself, others, situations or experiences, not even …‘I know better than you’, ‘I am better than you’…seriously, no judgment.
How do we not judge? It seems like such a natural way for us, an activity of the mind that’s essential to living here – or is it? When did we decide judging was better than trusting? Judgment creates resistance, rigidity, hardness, pride, fear, worry, contraction, hatred, and separation. The seeds of trust produce the most magnificent qualities and ways of being: an easy letting go, acceptance, allowing, expansion, lightness (no burdens to carry), relaxation, love, unity, peace, harmony, a bending and flowing and the knowing all is well, always.
Wishing you more times trusting, trusting the process of life for yourself and those around you, more times noticing your breath and seeing God; seeing God in yourself, in your kids, your partner, friends, strangers and those who challenge you; and more moments of seeing God in all the beauty that surrounds and embraces you every day all day.
That is so beautiful. I love to hear about “break throughs”, they help all of us raise our vibration. Thank you Theresa!
It is impossible not to judge and to be judged since we see and hear judging every day of our life, in schools, the media, each other, etc. There are far to many people on this planet not for it to happen and so far it is not possible in this existence we live. But, I believe if everyone tries to work on themselves and there own thoughts, it is a step in the right direction. As well, if one has mostly purity and love in there heart then those other moments will be short and faded. I don’t believe in “a god” as one person. I love the the part of what you shared above…..”that it is beyond the mind, the energy that moves through life and is our breath.” I believe we are all god, we are all one. One thing we all have in common are the cells and blood that run through our bodies. Even furniture has life when you think about it. Ahh but that is a whole separate topic.
Thank you Theresa for this wonderful site you put together, for your sharing and you spirit and allowing me to do so to as well. Now see I just judged too but I did it out of love didn’t I?
Hey, you know how much I love you and appreciate the tender spirit in you.
God loves you sooooo much, remember my precious friend that Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life, we come no other way and nature points us to him.
Have a wonderful day,
Love Carolyn
So timely. This is a relentless battle for me! Judging others, indeed, but judging myself, even more so. I actually attended a “trust workshop” just last week! Even when it’s hard for me to trust others, I at least need to learn to trust the universe and the process. Thank you so much for sharing.
I love this mom! You are my hero!!! xoxo,
Thank you Theresa for this wonderful site, for your sharing and your sprit.
Thank you Theresa, once again you have touched my heart with your vulnerable honesty. This is exactly what I needed in this moment. Tears of shame, tears of pain being released, tears of gratitude because once again the enemy that has dwelled within me is now illumined in light of accepting/allowing and is transforming.
I must get on my bike and ride, I must get past my fear of my bike. 😉