Dear friends,
My life has taken a few unexpected turns since everything changed for me at the end of last year. Things I never would have guessed.
I have shared with you the indescribable depth of peace inside me as I go through the everyday, even, and especially in the waves of grief. It is the stability of deep peace and a profound love that somehow continues to hold my heart.
What I have not shared – are about the days that I wondered if I would ever feel that alive presence of joy – that life is, again.
If you are walking through grief right now, or anything where it seems like joy might not ever emerge. I want to assure you; you will feel joy again. When I talk about joy, I don’t mean happy and smiles (usually plastic smiles) all the time. That’s fake, and exhausting.
I mean that feeling inside your heart that is so alive, so eager to breathe in beauty, loving to be here-now, ….and joy, that amazing bubbling up that inspires you to create. Create with life, your life, your beauty, your signature.
Joy is a wellspring within that will never run dry.
Joy is the purpose of being alive.
Joy is what bubbles up deep inside you, in the moments of stillness communing with your own precious heart.
And so, I discovered when I walked in the stillness of the mornings and felt Mother Earth under my feet, when I listened to her heartbeat – that sacred, holy drum beat I felt under my feet…I began to feel my own heartbeat in the quiet.
I felt the heartbeat of my peace, the morning light silently peering through clouds or no clouds. I felt the heartbeat of my light as I watched Mother Earth and her light awaken the birds, the critters, my goats, and Shasta.
I felt the heartbeat of my awe touching the massive and magnificent chestnut tree in our yard. The tree Don loved so much and took photos of every year. I felt the heartbeat of my trust, that everything was going to be okay. And in this stillness, joy softly bubbled up within my heart and I realized joy had never left me. Joy had a new dimension for me to tap into.
And suddenly, I was drumming. I was loving drumming. Don had a drum he loved. I picked it up and I drummed all the way to, in the barn and around the land. And I don’t know where the sounds came from that flowed out from my voice – but they were real and authentic. And there was joy.
I never imagined I would be drumming. I never imagined I would like it, let alone love it.
I never knew the power of the drumbeat.
I never considered or paused to hear Mother Earth’s drumbeat, her heartbeat, and feel her drumbeat match mine….my heartbeat.
I never imagined that a drumbeat would bring me back home to me.
I never imagined the drumbeat would lead me back to my joy. My joy of life.
And so, somehow and spontaneously – my soul sister and cousin, Deonne Wright and I have created a drum-making retreat/event for you in July.
I want for you to feel the drumbeat. I want for you to know your own. I want for you to create your own buffalo drum, in your art, your expression… and I want for you to take it with you whenever, wherever you want and walk the land. Drumming with your heart, your heartbeat and drumming in sinc with Mother Earth who IS so lovingly under your feet.
I want for you to come home to you, to come back home to joy.
Deonne and I made drums last week so we could teach you how to make your drums….and it was SOOO fun!! We sat down to decide what weekend worked for both of us.
And the dates are: 7/7- 7/9/2023.
Can I tell you about these auspicious dates? They are astrologically very potent, and the rest is personal to me.
I’m sharing because you are my friends, my inner circle that have stood by me these months.
I’m also sharing because if you choose to come, know it will be for your own heart beckoning you, and your meanings of timing in your own life.
Here is my share: Don and I met on the weekend of July 4th over 40 years ago. His birthday is July 10. For his memorial, I chose a photo and noticed it was image #7777. I wanted a big rose quartz to be included on his altar that day. When I purchased it, it weighed-in at exactly 77 pounds.
And so, to have this event begin on Friday, 7/7 – feels so right. And you would know as I write this that there are tears softly streaming.
I don’t know all that this weekend will be for us, but I know that a power way higher than our human thinking mind will be orchestrating the whole thing, because it already is.
We have limited the number to 15 participants, and it is by private invitation only. This event will not be marketed, or on social media. I may send out a couple more emails just for the people who may have missed this one. Once the event is filled up, I will let you know.
Trust your heart nudging’s, if someone comes to mind that would appreciate this invite, you are welcome to forward this information and offer them a warm invitation to join us.
I am on 10 acres. Moscow, Idaho is about a mile from us. Pullman, Washington about 7 miles.
Here you go!😊…LINK BELOW –
loving you with all my heart,
Theresa and Deonne