“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it!
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.’ Howard Thurman
Experience your Connection.
Embrace yourself in Compassion.
Embody Clarity & Courage.
Are you so ready to step into the power and
freedom of your heart desires ?
Fear stops you, what other people might think governs what you do next, you feel both an emptiness and a deep desire to fully express who you are. Somehow you’re locked inside a prison of mind chatter and limiting beliefs that won’t let you out. And you’ve been asking for the ‘key’ that will set you free; know that I have been there too.
I am here, reaching out to you –
because I’m passionate that you experience being fully alive, that you dance with the trees and you shine as bright as the sun, that you ‘be’ as spacious as the skies, you flow like the river, and sing your beautiful song,
in essence that you live in the freedom of your Spirit.
If you’d like to start ‘seeing’ love everywhere!
go here www.lookforsignsoflove.com
“It’s beautiful how no words can fully and truly describe how I now feel deep inside. An uncoiling has happened; a major shift has begun and I feel it everyday. In these last five weeks I have experienced some profound changes in my life, in me. I was faced with situations that in the past I would have ran from, and instead I faced them, I turned toward them and allowed my heart to shine through. I feel so strong and centered in who I am and I love it! I have a clarity and knowing about myself that I didn’t before. I am so blessed to have experienced this…thank you Theresa, thank you for your many gifts that have touched my life in so many wonderful and loving ways!!.” Megan Zaback
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