And we thought for a minute…freedom, that place deep inside us where we know, we feel and we are completely open, spontaneous, easy, eternally expansive, flowing with ease our personal (yes! personal!!not someone else’s idea) unstoppable heart movement – was what someone else gave or gives us.
Yesterday morning in the presence of deep Love and connection I felt a trembling awareness, a sacred remembering of Love in its’ purity loosing all ropes of untrue beliefs that bind us and cords of unforgiveness and judgments that choke our breath-our life- strangling our authentic voice, the sound and song from our inner most being which speaks only truth from the depths of our divinity, our highest mind, our very own heart. Heavy chains of fear, doubt, replaying and re-energizing of old and new stories about ourselves and each other, stories of ‘shoulds’ and ‘how it’s supposed to be and look like’, simply fall to our feet and we gently step over them in this brand new powerful place called ‘freedom’.
Inside this Love where words melt into silence there is an unfathomable appreciation untouched by anything we had figured out, and there is rest, there is peace. Here in this enveloping warm embrace we know our perfection, and we embrace the embrace. We see the Love and Divine Light that we are, our truest nature and we are free to be. In this Love dance we have the ‘ability to respond’ in grace, compassion and allowing, with ourselves first and foremost, and those whose lives we touch. We bow in gratitude for the ease, true meaning and knowing of our real ‘responsibility’.
I see you ‘free‘ – soaring high, exhilarated, listening and honoring YOUR heart,YOUR life, YOUR body, YOUR mind, YOUR spirit, courageous in Love as its’ wings give you flight.
Wishing you today – real freedom.
ps – July quick-pulse special coming soon – and I think something else!
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