Staring out the window my eyes misty, my heart tender and open I was feeling a compassionate presence within. Compassion for myself and yet, in the midst, a wondering, a question arose about my humanness. In that instant, outside a delicate yellow and black butterfly flitted into the scope of my vision and just danced. She winged the most beautiful dance in figure 8’s and circles just in front of me, and then she said to me, ‘it’s the process of transformation and on my wings are inscribed a word for you to remember – it is your answer.’
I believe there is a constant loving interaction in and all around us and in moments of stillness we are included in this universal conversation and we chat together. Messages of love, support and guidance are continually flowing in this vast Universe whether we notice or not. And oh, when we notice, all comes alive and our connection is felt in the core of our being and connects deep into the center of this precious earth we walk on and breathe with. I love the hearts I find everywhere, heart rocks on the wooded path and coral ones on the beach, heart clouds in the sky, and hearts in trees where the branches and leaves have come together forming a heart and they say one more time – ‘I love you.’
As you can see I’m not an artist with the pencil and paint brush – but I did have fun! and maybe the word inscribed and mirrored on this butterfly’s wing(s) is your answer too. May every time you see a butterfly remind you.
Our life is not about ‘doing’ –
The important things you just can’t do – try ‘doing’ joyful, ‘doing’ stillness, ‘doing’ love, ‘doing’ kind. Step into a time when joy filled you – ‘being joyful’ – notice how your whole ‘being’ is joy; and when you truly love, notice how your whole ‘being’ is love. When kindness and compassion move you-notice that your whole ‘being’ is compassion and kindness.
Wishing you the joy and power of ‘being’.
Thank you for sharing your insight, wisdom, love, compassion and joy. Thank you for making a difference in my life and the lives of others. BTW- your art work is BEAUTIFUL!!!
In Love, Light, and Oneness,