How do you let go of your WHOLE life? I didn’t really think I heard right when those words came to me… but I did.
What does that look like to let go of
It looks like this. Nothing confining, there’s no sides – sides you’ve put up, sides you’ve taken. No box you’ve stuffed yourself into, or tried to put someone else in. No clenching tight,
no ‘what if’ worries chaining you down,
just pure acceptance of ‘what is’ freeing you up.
no ‘what if’ worries chaining you down,
just pure acceptance of ‘what is’ freeing you up.
There is complete and utter openness, spaciousness, abundance, possibilities and potential. Love. Harmony. Miracles.
It doesn’t mean closing your eyes and blindly blundering through life, it means being wide awake, totally present, vibrantly alive and moving towards your happiest vision unencumbered.
My mind wanted to argue, ‘but I have this idea of me, of my life and how I want everything to look, to be and it all fits perfectly inside the perimeters I’ve lived in all these years.
Of course, I want to expand, but only inside this ‘safe’ and known space I’ve lived relatively comfortable for so long.
Really, let go of that?
Of course, I want to expand, but only inside this ‘safe’ and known space I’ve lived relatively comfortable for so long.
Really, let go of that?
Yes, let go of that.
And what about those people I expect to fit in this other box? To be this way and that way, to do or not to do, to say or not to say.
Really, you want me to let that all, ALL go?
Really, you want me to let that all, ALL go?
Yes, let that go.
Wait a minute, it’s okay to hang on to that (self) righteous thought, isn’t it?
After all, I am right and that other person is wrong, it’s important I hold to that ‘truth’ even though I don’t feel so good holding on and entertaining these thoughts.
Yes, let go.
There is no ascension when you need to hang on to being right, only a self proclaimed pedestal in which you elevate yourself and pretend to be of higher mind.
Ascension is divine and occurs when you let go – completely.
Yes, Let go of your WHOLE Life.
Wishing you many moments of letting go, days and years of soaring through the spaciousness and wonder of Love.
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