I sit on my deck and feel the soft breeze against my skin, the gentleness of the wind breathing through my hair and ringing the chimes as they sing across the ether’s a peaceful, soothing and wondrous song. My heart feels wide open in gratitude, my whole being bathes in its’ sublime embrace and in awe I look around and see with new eyes countless gifts and abundant blessings given from heaven’s loving, immense and eternal hands of grace. I dare to open myself to receive and with joyful expectation I dance through days, stepping in rhythm to what is happening in the moment (well, most of the time), and in the most unexpected ways happy surprises sprinkle my path.
It’s a universe of infinite supply we live in; even the air that fills our lungs thousands of times a day and surrounds us in living invisible beauty reminds us of such magnitude. Sometimes I wonder why I doubt my prosperity, or believe the richness of my life could truly extend beyond mental borders and silly beliefs about my worthiness and fortune.
I think I’m beginning to understand with more clarity, we receive exactly what we’re open to receive even though everything we ask for and desire is already here, better than we imagined, multiplied a hundred times over, and in ways we could never orchestrate. The trick is to open more by letting go more. For me, that’s living and breathing in the heart of gratitude, the heart of love, the heart of me, the heart of you.
Too cute!