“She is open to receive the flow of stellar support always present. She shows through perfect patience the way is clear and illuminated, and all is coming in its perfect time.” Katherine Skaggs – (‘Patience’-Goddess card)
In January as the year began and I looked into the next 12 months I wondered what my theme would be for this year. Turns out, it’s pretty much exactly as the card I pulled out of Katherine Skaggs deck of Goddess cards that winter evening…’patience’! (Honestly, that really wasn’t what I wanted to hear! – you might have heard me groan!)
I’ve come to befriend ‘patience’. The quiet mind and heart waiting and open to receive my heart desires and trusting in the perfect timing for my greatest joy. It’s a Universe of Love that holds us and is FOR us, so eager we receive.
One of my highlights last week was having time with our daughter, Abby in San Diego, and on one occasion she just randomly pulled off the freeway announced she wanted to go boxing for a bit! She’s super intuitive and in tune with where her energy is and what she needs to ride the waves – and in this moment, there was a lot surging through and ‘boxing’ was the answer! We parked she got out of the car and all I could see was ‘Target’ and no place to box there!, but she turned around looked across the street and sure enough – out of nowhere- a gym! So she boxed, and since that didn’t sound so fun to me, I sat in the lobby and wrote to you. Here’s what I wrote….
I wonder if what you ordered has already come? Imagine making your order in a high end restaurant, you are dressed in your favorite stunning outfit, loving the ambiance and you know exactly what you want to order. The waiter comes, you place your order. He repeats it, asks about options that might enhance your meal. You add a couple additional things, he leaves, you sit back, smile and with great expectancy imagine how amazing your meal will be.
As you wait, your mind starts going over an old story, an old way of being for you and you begin to feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, you get up, leave the fabulous restaurant and wonder why you ever went there in the first place. Old thoughts are running like a merry go round now, completely out of control. You drive to the bar, change your clothes back into how you used to dress, pull out the cigarettes you had stashed at the bottom of your purse (just in case you might need one last puff again).
You’re hungry, of course you’re hungry! So you order a greasy hamburger and french fries dripping in fat. It’s your ‘fast’ food – so you get it in a hurry.
In the meantime, your exquisite beautifully appointed, colorful, vibrantly healthy amazing meal has arrived at the other magnificent place. And- where are you? Where did you go? Who did you change into to match what you ordered…and what did you receive instead?
When we ask – we always receive. You gotta hang in that place and be that, long enough. In other words, when we want something amazing, our entire being must shift to receive our request, we must be a match….and that requires ‘patience’. Patience with ourselves being in a new place and vibration, becoming comfortable being new, being clearer, more sparkly, new appetites, new thoughts and thought patterns. When we hang there – we’ll be there when our requests arrive.
When we ask for what we truly desire, it’s a heart request. When we are in our heart our true desires come to surface, and we must stay in our heart, continue to be in that frequency to actually receive. Your request/’order’ will be given, but are you there? or did you go somewhere else?
It’s so easy to jump out of our heart and back into our head, begin to talk ourselves out of what we really want, convince ourselves and point out all the reason it wasn’t such a great idea…and we head for the ‘greasy spoon’. So notice, are you in your heart today? What thoughts and visions are you entertaining that are keeping you in the place of receiving what you really want?
One last thing, in deep meditation I heard a beautiful voice say to me, and it’s for you too….
‘Trust your heart’ -.
Sending you so much love and waving the magic wand of patience for you,
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