by Theresa Gooch | Mar 10, 2014 | blog, change, miracle
Some miracles occur like clockwork every single year, it’s the exact same old – actually ancient miracle again and again. When I witness this miracle, for me, the miracle is as though it is brand new, fresh and I stand in an awe that makes my heart open in...
by Theresa Gooch | Feb 15, 2014 | blog, love
I honestly don’t feel qualified to talk about this – the word that so easily and almost flippantly rolls off our tongue at times, and other times is the only word that we can find to come remotely close to our deepest feeling and indescribable presence we...
by Theresa Gooch | Dec 29, 2013 | blog, change, dream, manifestation
I’m wondering where you are today. If, in the quiet of your heart, you too are reflecting over this year. We walked each day, breathed every moment, didn’t we? – and most days seemed quite ordinary, except for the unexpected.Then we gathered from...
by Theresa Gooch | Dec 22, 2013 | blog, manifestation, spirit
We quietly pen the last few paragraphs of this year before we turn a page, and then inscribe ‘Year 2014’ that begins the next chapter of our miraculous life. I’m not sure if it’s the same with you, but this year it seems there’s a hush in...
by Theresa Gooch | Nov 10, 2013 | blog, love, signs of love
It’s Saturday and so many things are calling me. My messed up room with summer and winter clothes all jumbled together because I wanted to taste summer to the very, very end and then fall came on suddenly. My house is whispering for a sparkle treatment, the deck...
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