by Theresa Gooch | Sep 12, 2013 | blog
Something happened – I don’t know what exactly or why, except that I completely surrendered. The nagging voices in my head that kept pushing me to ‘do more’ silenced, and I was okay with just ‘being’ me. This was my inner...
by Theresa Gooch | Jul 29, 2013 | change
I’m realizing we are already more than half way through 2013. That just seems incredible. I was wondering, like myself – did you intend in January of this year, that by this time in July, a few specific things in your life would be different than they are...
by Theresa Gooch | Jul 16, 2013 | blog, self-love
In my inbox yesterday was my inspiration, my reminder and your heart. How many times have you jumped to quick judgements, conclusions, labels and made-up stories of what you absolutely ‘know’ is taking place based on what your physical eyes just...
by Theresa Gooch | Jun 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
It’s kind of embarrassing to let you in on what my friends and family experience who are around me a lot – and that being, I talk to myself more than frequently!!! So you can picture me strolling our puppy; well, some people don’t think she’s a...
by Theresa Gooch | May 9, 2013 | self-love
Three weeks ago I scheduled an appointment to get a wisdom tooth pulled. I’m betting I like going to the dentist about as much as you do! First of all, I didn’t want anyone putting me out to do this, and at the surgeons raised eyebrows I insisted he would...
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