This is the time of year we probably think about our dreams the most.
We start over.
We dream new dreams and sometimes we re-ignite last years dream and we say, this year, this is the year I live my dream!
I felt different as I stepped into this golden year, somehow it didn’t matter so much what I might accomplish on any external front. In contemplative inquiry I asked myself these questions.
* How do I want to feel inside this year?
* If I were to choose one word, what one word would I like to learn, practice and live in 2013?
* What would that feel like inside and how would it look in my life?
* I wonder how vast the changes will be if I just practice this one word at every small opportunity, one day at a time until one year from today, January 7, 2014?
(I have to admit, I actually have two words I want to practice and learn this year).
Near the end of 2012 I noticed how much resistance I had to all kinds of stuff! I noticed with every resistant fiber of my being that I was in essence saying ‘no’, closing off, shutting down, turning my back to so many things that could have enriched my life. I was simply – ‘not receiving’.
I often hear my business coach say, ‘receive the way’. I am amazed how abundantly we are daily showered with blessings which invite us to simply receive. This multifaceted word ‘receive’ sparkles in disguised opportunities, quiet acknowledgments, heart conversations, unexpected challenges. I want to consciously receive more deep breaths and moments of stillness. I’d like a quiet mind to receive dewdrops of divine wisdom that inspire me, and help me live and teach what’s true.
What’s your word this year?
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