…..well- it’s one of my very favorite things!….blackberry season! The wind was crisp as I sailed on my bike early this morning because I love to greet the magnificent sun as it rises above all of us AND I wanted to pick those juicy ripe and oh, so delicious blackberries. I would have loved you to be with me celebrating those amazing moments of morning silence.
I noticed a couple things I couldn’t wait to come back and share. As you can tell, I was really eager to find blackberries. I went to my usual blackberry patch and there were lots of berries waiting for me so I went about happily dropping them into my container. I was in heaven, the birds were just waking up as I would intermittently pop a berry in my mouth and savor the bursts of flavor. There was a moment though, I took my focus off looking for berries and my eye suddenly brought my attention to all the berries that had already been picked! Oh my gosh – there were way more berries that had already been picked,even though there were new berries coming on and more than plenty ripe for me now. It was such an interesting experience to watch how my emotions took a dive when I saw all that had been picked. This change of focus took me instantly to a very different perspective – it’s called ‘lack’….now the pickings looked pretty sparse and the berries few!!! I shifted back really quickly and focused my mind again on ripe berries and my container was full in no time.
How many times have you shifted your focus from what you wanted?
The reality is – all around us is always absolute abundance,
the difference is what we are focused on!
And…if you ever think this is just an ordinary, no big deal universe we live in – imagine how incredibly amazing this is….. there was not a single blackberry the same.
The Month of September –
I’m offering one more time
3 – half hour quick pulse session
only $88
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