When love touches our core there’s an igniting that happens that sets love a blaze within. Whether our core is a spark, ‘a smoking flax’, or full flames, every single core of every soul is pure Love, Love is ALL it is. That is why, if through even the tiniest crack love comes in and reaches that core place a merging, melting and light awakens.
I write this because, sometimes we might think a tiny gesture of kindness, compassion, a smile isn’t worthwhile. If we only understood the power of love in the tiniest ways of being, we’d appreciate ourselves more and reach out to others generously. I think we’d begin to look in each others eyes and see their core, recognizing them in us and us in them.
I know Love is the greatest power on earth, gentleness is the greatest strength, forgiveness the greatest gift we give ourselves, and that light silently and instantly clears darkness; all ways of being we can simply be. Everyone can be.
I just heard a story about a young person whose goal was to improve something in his life just 1% a day. It could be one more smile, one more kind and compassionate thought to ourselves about ourselves, one more helping of vegetables, one less cookie, a short walk, or a little longer walk, a bit more money saved, a bit more money given away, just an improvement of only one percent a day of something in one area of his life or way of being. One percent a day doesn’t sound that significant until you add it up – that’s 365% improvement in one year…imagine a lifetime!!!
(*Title was a partial quote from Mother Teresa)
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