The rhythm of your heart beat was first; its’ echo in the womb steady and strong, perfectly in sync and harmony with the Creator and all of creation. Alone, and for approximately six weeks your heart continued inside growing and developing, knowing and speaking only the language of heaven because that was all there was. The same Source that created the Heavens and all of Creation conversed in every nana second of every heart beat with your heart. There was no ‘brain’ to tell your heart what to do, your heart was the brain and knew only Love. Your heart was happy, full and free and knew exactly why it was here and was so eager to participate in this life manifesting Love in your unique, specific creative ways. Around six weeks later and after about forty thousand neurons (nerve cells) in your heart– (as many as are found in various sub cortical centers of the brain), a pathway from your heart to your brain developed. And finally your brain was formed, and in that instant your heart began sending messages to your brain of your exquisite Love song. The line of communication was like this: 1. God to your heart, 2. your heart to your brain. Your all-knowing heart the leader and your brain followed your heart. This is the natural order. And so what happened?
Inner conversations in our days often go like this – Oh, how I’d love to do that, but no- that just doesn’t make sense. I can’t fit that in the box of my calculations and see the outcome working out at all! In fact, on this linear plane of my mind I can’t see the end, and that’s way too scary…I have to know, it has to fit inside these specific perimeters. Oh, but I feel something exhilarating inside at just the thought if maybe I could – it feels so free, so fun and so exciting – wow, I can breathe…oh, what are you thinking!, that can never be. You know that has never even come close to being your experience, let it go and crawl back inside that cramped space inside you that is safe and known. Look around, most people out there are believing the same thing, they will point you to the ‘science’, the outcomes they think – just get on with it and stay inside the ‘norm’ the masses have formed. You are happy enough. Being free, fully alive and participating, joyfully creating exactly what you want is all for someone else, not you. It’s okay, your life is really pretty good, now get to work so you can pay your bills.
It’s called inner conflict, and we often live like this days, months and years until at some point we’re mentally, emotionally, physically exhausted, and spiritually starved. We’ve convinced ourselves and taught our kids, our limited human mind has all the answers and we seek for proof and dismiss anything that doesn’t match the ‘they know better than me’ opinions of others, and we especially dismiss the still small voice of our all-knowing heart. Somehow, somewhere along the line our mental brain took over the leadership role in our lives. Logic has controlled and manipulated us by fear, untrue and harmful beliefs screaming so loud we forgot to be quiet and listen to our all-knowing heart that from the instant of our conception began communing with the perfection and ‘knowingness’ of the Divine.
I remember a biblical passage…’and be transformed by the renewing of your mind’. Re-new – to make new again. Imagine if our mind could be made new again- back to its’ original place where it is the follower of our heart, a ‘new’ mind that listens to the direction of our heart and automatically supports those desires. Our mind is such a fabulous loving support when in its’ natural order and place. There is absolutely no conflict – the brain hears and feels the direction of our heart, then moves us in our ‘being’ state – where to go, what to do and when…and we are in perfect harmony, living, flowing with ease in this magnificent adventure of life.
Wishing you – a growing, abundant faith in your heart!
Loving you, Theresa Gooch
(Follow your Heart’ portrait by Eloryia Ra)
Hi Goddess
Beautiful article…wish you would post it on my blog
on this page as a comment
It felt like you wrote this in exact answer to a question in my soul space today- thank you!