Three weeks ago I scheduled an appointment to get a wisdom tooth pulled. I’m betting I like going to the dentist about as much as you do!
First of all, I didn’t want anyone putting me out to do this, and at the surgeons raised eyebrows I insisted he would just numb the area. I told him this would be the easiest and fastest wisdom tooth he’s ever taken out and he responded I might be surprised at how extensive the procedure could be. (I could tell he thought I’d change my mind!)
This was my plan. I remembered one of my teachers, Jo Dunning talking about Findhorn Farm, an amazing farm in Northern Scotland where a family over 40 years ago, originally planted crops to survive. My understanding is, this land and weather was considered one of the worst possible to grow anything, in fact deemed impossible. The family spoke love to the land, the seeds,the plants, the weeds – AND their crops flourished, more plentiful, luscious and larger than any where. What does this have to do with my wisdom tooth?
I remembered Jo saying the day before the weeds were to be pulled in the field, the farmer would go out and talk gently to the weeds, thank them and tell them they would be pulled out ‘tomorrow’. In the morning, the roots had already let go and the weeds lifted easily out of the ground.
So! I must admit…I did some ‘pulse’ sessions’ on myself to clear any angst I was feeling that surfaced while waiting for this upcoming event. I also often thanked all of my teeth, and in kindness spoke mostly to the wisdom tooth being pulled for the last few weeks. Last night I reminded this tooth that today was the day and what was going to happen and that it could let go, everything was going to be alright. I had a loving inner conversation with all of my body as well, because I knew every part of me would be effected.
I started to chicken out just a bit, right before going, so ended up asking my husband to take me to my appointment. We were in the waiting room only a few minutes and my name was called. To my absolute surprise and DELIGHT, I looked up and the assistant calling my name was a beautiful friend that I had forgotten was a dental assistant. In the dentist chair she explained a few things, then the surgeon came in – my tooth was out in less than 2 minutes, slick as a whistle.
There was hardly any bleeding. My cheek was just a tad swollen when I left the doctors office; 2 hours later there is no swelling, it’s gone completely. It’s 4 hours later now and the numbness is gone, I feel good. Okay, not super duper energetic or anything, but no discomfort anywhere.
Maybe, this is usual…but something tells me, it’s a miracle.
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