There’s a rhythm in everything, even in silence. An orchestra of movement and pitches ranging from high to low, a breeze fast then slow. I’m just here, no where to go.
Traveling this past week scoping new and magnificent landscapes I found myself saying many times over…’I’m out here in the middle of no-where.’ And then in my mind I would hear Wayne Dyer say – no, you’re out in the middle of ‘now-here’! I realized it’s as it should be, ‘now-here’ in this remote and pristine setting, a beingness, a quiet peaceful, harmonious place was mirroring back what ‘now-here’ really is. When completely immersed inside the very moment nothing compares, time stops and aliveness pulses.
My mind wanted to rush the ‘no-where’, the ‘now-here’ (albeit they were beautiful places) and arrive at our final destination or anticipated highlight of the day instead of every moment of ‘now here’ being the highlight. Why was I so challenged to just be ‘now-here’, breathe the now fully in, relax and take in the richness of this moment, place and space?
Truly, the wealthiest of all are those who live the most ‘now-here’ moments. Joy is multi-sensory and only found in the ‘now-here’ out in the middle of ‘no-where’.
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