I don’t know If I can express how my heart really feels and so I begin. We all are feeling so much lately, we feel the earth shaking, we feel desperate cries for freedom, things we thought stable may have become fluid like a river and sometimes are flooding us with changes we never dreamed. If we’ve always looked to what’s outside of us to be our strength, our security- we’re learning quickly, only that inside us is real and can’t be taken from us. As time speeds up and the world, and sometimes our personal world continue to be rocked we can move into fear and perceive it as a ‘jarring’, or we can move into our own heart and deep inside Love, feel the movement as a cradling, love and trust wrapped around us and a knowing there is perfection of this unfolding into something more magnificent than we imagine. When we are inside of Love, we look through windows of love, framed in love and we see very differently.
I dream of a world where we all live and see through our hearts, where we flow spontaneously in spirit and greet each other with love and compassion. A world where everyone knows they belong and shares with abandon their spirit, those gifts inside them that make their own heart sing and dance. When we are all singing and dancing our song we are ‘in spirit’ and it’s only natural those around us join in. I believe this world is possible and is happening.
So what if we tapped into that amazing love and compassion right now? Suspend any judgments; just love, like we love a breathtaking rainbow. First, start with ourselves and fill our self up with pure and simple love, and then for an instant inside that love – think of Japan, think of the Middle East (including those we tend to point at with harsh judgment), think of any situation, person that’s bothering you. Fill yourself up first and then allow love to flow out.
What if, every single day, every single person on earth took just one moment to fill themselves up with love and then sent their feeling of love out to specific people and places that appear ‘unloved’ or hurting. Really, imagine the impact of you consciously breathing in Love just one present moment, one time a day for you, and then sending it out. Can’t you feel the sparkling ‘love’ raindrops of a gentle Hawaiian rain continually sprinkling the entire earth – because you are taking just one present moment a day filling up inside of Love? Love the greatest, THE greatest power on earth, and one day we will know it in every fiber of our being.
Almost 2 weeks ago now, Gina Edge sent an email to me – I was so touched I wept in an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love that our younger generation is stepping so boldly, so courageously into the power of Love. I saw that Gina saw what I saw and it moved me. She has a website up and running and an amazing invitation for us all. Every 11 days we will in unified prayer (on our own time) take about 60 seconds of our day and send love to specific focuses of 2 or 3 places/events that have been determined by requests written. On her website you can sign up to be notified when the new 11 day prayer cycle begins with a new focus. You playing only one moment, just one – 60 seconds – of your day, every day, to consciously love will make all the difference in the world.
Thanking you with all my heart for your being here and your powerful contribution of love.
Here is the link below – take a look, I think you will be touched as well and want your love to be included in this amazing circle of Love.
website for: Peace prayer Society
loving you,
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