Yes, a bumble bee came into my space. I’m sure you’re going, ‘so’?!
It’s just that I was in such a peaceful state of gratitude and love, my heart was wide open sitting there enjoying the sun, the river and hugely appreciating life when all of the sudden a big bumble bee buzzed right by and behind my leg. Suddenly, I was no longer peaceful!!
Oh my gosh! Look how one tiny little thing completely disturbed my being in a split second – I was a tad panicked, up off my bench, my heart racing …and then I stopped. Can it be, in the rest of my life, even though every single day I am surrounded in amazing, ever expanding abundance and indescribably beauty, I often allow one small thing that comes into my space (of whatever it might ‘bee’) to cause great disturbances? One small thing among a multitude of glorious bounty, and that’s where all my focus goes…the bounty is still there, it never moved, just my focus did.
I just finished reading about bumble bees – do you know they rarely sting, and in fact their ‘jaws’ make it extremely difficult to pierce through human skin? I was so afraid of the bee because I didn’t want any pain – I saw it and my mind registered , ‘pain’ – and my whole body said -‘no way, I’m outa here’.
So here’s the deal, I dreamed up an idea that this little guy was going to hurt me, and I was convinced.
I wonder how much pain we dream up in our life and it’s just not true?!
Wishing you eyes to see all the glorious, ever expanding bounty in and around you, and the steadfast focus of the amazing miracles supporting you every single second giving you more than you need and all that you want.
loving you,
We’d love to have you join us, tomorrow is our second call on Mastering the Magic of Imagination, it’s all about the 3 Deceptions around the magic part of Imagination, and the 3 Alchemy Elements that transform thought to tangible occurrences. The calls are recorded so you can listen to the first call and get all the goodies too. You can register here and/or see what it’s all about.
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