It was just a week ago we were here! 😊… and most of us met each other for the first time. 😊
It felt so natural, like we’ve known each other forever. A couple of you built the most amazing fire pit, gathered wood and the kids helped fill the ‘kindling’ bucket with pinecones.
The evening sun was beginning to set while we all sat around the make-shift table, the fabric cover and fresh flowers there to bring a taste of elegance as we broke bread together, macadamia-nut lasagna and salad. And it was SO fun!!!
My heart was dancing in joy, living the beginning of a dream that I didn’t even know I had.
This spontaneous dream of hosting a workshop with my cousin and making drums from the Buffalo, and rattles from the Elk …
so we could all feel the drumbeat of life inside us and listen to our own. So, thank you.
And then…. I couldn’t help myself, the words just poured from my heart.
I had to tell you about the dream that I knew I had.
The dream I’ve been dreaming for the last two years. It felt like you heard me, and like you could see my vision too.
Your authentic enthusiasm lit a fire inside my heart, that maybe this WAS possible,
that maybe some day there would be all ages, from little ones to elderly and every age in-between randomly walking in stillness, strolling one beautifully designed step at a time, walking the beauty way on this beautifully painted crystal labyrinth that led without fail, every single time, every next step, into the center of the flower of life.
And then, there is the vision of people laying full-body on the crystal labyrinth under the blackest skies lit with the sparkliest stars that matched the diamond sparkles of the geode we broke open, or resting in the day, feeling the crystals beneath and being in the endless, vast, spacious blue skies – mesmerized by the magic of life for as long as it takes.
It seemed like you saw the crystal labyrinth that I saw, and that you too could feel the power of love vibrating from those crystals expanding across the entire universe, as well as magnetizing hungry souls that yearned to feel the reality of divine love within them, peace in their bones and a deep relaxation into the center of their sacred heart.
I was pretty certain that you could also imagine standing on the crystal labyrinth looking out over a lush green meadow bordered at the back fence by shade trees, maybe willows and spruce, lilacs and flora, and the natural eco-system pond with perfectly balanced vegetation and water lilies.
I didn’t know if you noticed the Prairie Cascade willow tree I had already planted in the back corner for Don – I wanted his tree to be there shading the goats and Shasta that he loved and shade the people listening to music having a picnic on the meadow in the summer evenings.
The sparkle in Senna’s eyes told me she could see the sets of butterfly wings painted on the metal building so that adults and kids could stand together in front of them and pretend they were beautiful butterflies… because they are.
And….the adjoining silo foundation, one day becoming a gazebo with a fire pit in the center and stone benches around the rim, that somehow could have a portable platform that would cover and convert the firepit and benches to an outdoor stage.
What if the animals were actually trained and calm and roamed the meadow when people wanted that – and tiny baby goats would sit in your lap? And what if, across from the goats in the big pasture were 3 beautiful, gentle Scottish Highland cows, a black one, white one and a baby grazing the land?
Did you envision, like I have?… a big luxurious greenhouse across from the barn at the end of the pasture that grew amazing greens for farm to table organic meals for guests? What about a very long handmade picnic table under the trees for meals or summer kid projects?
Whether it’s a night stay for an Airbnb guest, a day retreat for a mom that just needs a day to nurture and nourish her body, mind and spirit, or an intimate group gathering for a special event, a sweet wedding, retreat, or reunion – may the universal drumbeat of Love that is calling each one home to their heart be heard and felt here.
What if?… This is the beginning of the ‘Universal U Project’.
I’ve shared only a fractal part of my dream for ‘humaniversal’ here, but somehow it weaves so perfectly into what Don wanted to create….a fellowship honoring the ‘one mother’ that we are all of, the sacredness and love of who we each are, no matter our differences – the universal sameness of who we are that far outweighs any difference.
I know this dream will take many volunteers of unified hearts and hands of their own creative expression coming together as one.
With deep gratitude to you for being the beginning of something beautiful and unknown, for giving me courage and hope to hold my vision.
The sanctuary. The village. The drumbeat.
Calling us all home back to our heart.
The Universal U Project
I’m so excited to start the labyrinth project. If you would like to be included in this project, let me know.
We will do a zoom call soon with Debi and Marty Kermeen, ( labyrinth builders and artists as soon as the labyrinth team is in place.