‘Do you want to meet the love of your life?
Look in the mirror.”
Byron Katie
A dear friend so graciously pointed out after receiving my email yesterday that for those who feel alone, Valentines Day can sometimes not feel so joyful and loving – but rather remind them even more of their loneliness.
My wish is that all of us would wrap our arms around ourselves with the biggest bear hug ever, and feel love pour out from our heart and back in to our very being, filling us up. I’m hoping I can express what I’m passionately feeling and that you get it – like your entire being will feel it. Here goes!…
You are so amazing, so incredibly beautiful, and honestly the immensity of light and vibrancy of who you are is bringing tears welling up as I write. I see you, and I wish you saw you – . Our experiences in life seem to have layered layers of gauze between who we really are and who we see ourselves to be. The gauze can be all colors, – the darker the life experiences, the harder it is to see clearly, but it’s just a lightweight, filmy unnecessary protection that truly can easily be removed. The more layers that are gently rolled away the closer you get to who you are, and the clearer you see your magnificence. It’s your heart you feel and see – and everyone has one. It’s your breath and our breath. And in those moments of clarity – you see you are your own best, I mean best-est of best friend. Can you feel that? Take a moment to look into the depths of YOUR eyes, see the beauty of your soul – and notice all the places your angelic feet have walked you – and here you are today, safe and okay, and not alone.
There have been times when I have felt more alone and lonely while being in a relationship than when I wasn’t, so it’s not another person in your life that will take away loneliness. The only thing that will make us feel complete and alive is going inside and lovingly getting to know us, listening, noticing and paying attention to what’s going on inside. It’s so easy to habitually stuff down that still small voice that so wants to be heard, acknowledged and let free like a bird in a cage. You were meant to fly and fly free, dancing with life and joining hands with the entire universe singing your song.
And so just one last comment, a rather vulnerable one –
Last year I went shopping for a valentine for myself, signed it ‘I love you’ Theresa, slipped in a little postcard drawing from a child and taped a feather from one of my doves on it, addressed the envelope and sent it to myself to arrive precisely on Valentines Day.
Here’s what my card said –
‘You are the person I fall in love with more each day…
you are everything I imagined, everything I dreamed,
and all that I need.
You are my first thought when I wake in the morning
and my last before sleep comes each night.
You are my dream and my reality…
and forever the love of my life.
Happy Valentines Day.
I love you, Theresa
On the opposite side of the card I hand wrote a note to myself as if I was my very best friend who saw me inside and out. I talked about my heart that reaches out and loves so deeply, the unique ways I express who I am – and then I wrote –
‘Capture your essence as you live moment to moment – breathe it in, fill yourself up and breath your love out. Be true to you, gently. Know all is well and in perfect order. You are loved.’
With this, I send you so much love and a big dose of encouragement to go get yourself a Valentine card this year and send to yourself – that’s where I’m headed!
Wow! Theresa Thank you so much! I never dreamed of sending myself a valentine! What Wonderful inspirational words! You are Special!