This morning as I was spinning around in my head, I heard this soft sweet voice say -” you know, the train cannot jump to another track; get off that train!” And so, of course, I stopped suddenly in my tracks!!!
I have to admit I was a tad in overwhelm, my house has been filled with people I love and the incredible sunshine has been beckoning to play more than work. It’s my sweethearts birthday today, a couple little family ‘opportunity’ bumps to love through, and then there’s so much to ‘do’ here at my office etc. I found my thoughts going down a familiar negative track on nearly every subject.
Here’s what I realized again, every ‘train’ of thought goes on a specific habitual track (we choose) and always ends up somewhere. The ‘train’ either ends in a train wreck and we land in a crumpled heap emotionally, mentally, physically and./or spiritually, or simply ends in a place not where we want to be.
And then there is the ‘train’ of thought whose track immediately makes us feel light and our heart smile, and that train of thought ends in a joyful manifestation of the essence of what we’ve been thoughtfully entertaining, every time.
Oh to be with the ‘train of thought’ whose track goes where we want to end up!
What ‘train’ of thought are you on now? – will that track lead to your desired destination?
You know what else I learned today (again)? I learned when I fill myself up first – and then give, overwhelm disappears. So how is that possible when it seems everyone ‘needs’ you (now) and for the day to line up just right – you gotta do the work (now)?
Here’s how. When you are at the sink doing dishes and your mind is telling you, you want to be somewhere else, and a few other negative thoughts.
Stop for one brief moment and breathe deep – look for just a moment at an exquisite flower or the bird that just flew on the branch outside your window…that will fill you up with awe.
When it’s your sweethearts (kids, or loved ones) birthday and you have so much you want to prepare and surprises you want to make…and you’re suddenly not loving what you’re doing, but feeling burdened and irritated. Stop, for one brief moment and breathe deep, remember how much you love him/her – and remember a sweet memory that warms your heart….that will fill you up with love and gratitude.
When you need space. Stop, for one brief moment and breathe deep, listen to your heart. What do you hear? Where is it calling you? If it’s a nature walk, a power nap, tea with a friend, a good cry, a drive in the car, relaxing a few minutes with an uplifting book – let go of every ‘should’ and lovingly be with yourself even if it’s just 10-15 minutes….that will fill you up with grace.
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