I have such deep appreciation, respect, honor and awe for our younger generation and the bright light bearers they are.
They are the ones teaching us. We often so arrogantly think we know more because we’re ‘older’ and find ourselves in manipulate and control mode. From our fear, we attempt to cram our kids into our perceived ‘mold’ of how they ‘should’ be and do, and yet these amazing kids are the ones who see so clearly ‘Love is the greatest power that exists in the Universe’, and peace is the only ‘rule’ for our hearts-that following your spirit and being free with all that you love -not what or who someone else (no matter who that is) thinks you should love.
This young generation exemplifies there’s no struggle with inner conflict and outer conflict if you listen to your heart and follow its call. That is true peace ‘ruling’ your heart.
These bright Lights are often examples of compassion and kindness towards themselves first, each other and encompasses every race, religion, belief and difference. They have an eye for the ‘sameness’ in all of us.
Their world isn’t in the little boxes our world has been in; it’s not so linear and finite, black and white.
They are the ones who unknowingly call us out to stand in our own integrity and stop playing games of in-authenticity. They shine the light on old, worn-out and harmful beliefs the masses cling to and they tell us they’re not going there because obviously, those are not working.
This group of angels, from newborn to fresh young leaders in this time and space are here to help usher in and unite a whole new world of Love, freedom of spirit and prosperity.
Oh, and did I say, they are kind of like us. They are not perfect (whatever that is).
I bow to them at every age.
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