My heart sunk as I heard my words vibrate doubt to the one person I wanted to feel and know beyond any shadow of imagination, that every wish was granted, immediately, and on the way arriving at the most perfect timing. I wanted to be there with ongoing belief, solid knowing and steady support, holding the vision, multiplying the energy of possibilities and focusing together with delight this new exciting, very alive, creation being shared with me.
I remembered a biblical quote stating the tongue has the power of life and death in it and stewed over that statement part of the night realizing its’ truth. How many times have we been with someone and what they said uplifted us, inspired us to stretch higher, made our heart smile, breathed life into our soul, gave wings to our vision, and how many times have words, or the way the words were said, crushed us. I know we get to choose the words we listen to, surround ourselves with, play over and over in our mind, so ultimately and importantly there is nothing to fall victim to, we are one hundred percent completely responsible for all aspects of our life. Somehow that knowing didn’t ease the heart ache I felt from the words I had spoken the night before indicating I was not full on board with ‘all is possible’.
This morning a new light dawned and instead of continuing to berate myself, I gently embraced my human-ness and realized how on purpose this whole experience was. Suddenly, I felt so grateful. In this moment I am now able to see places in myself where doubt still exists, untrue belief’s I didn’t realize I still held. Beliefs in appearances being real, beliefs lingering that the past and present design my present and future (or anyone else’s) and a false belief that the past and present is who I am and will be, untrue limited ideas on time, and a belief that amazing, fabulous, magical and miraculous might not be for me. As I notice and play with this, more things come up and I’m so excited! Now that I’m aware, I get to clear them. These are pieces of major beliefs that have held me back that I now see. Clearing these bits of doubt and beliefs away will cause a flow in my life I’ve never known before. I’m SO excited!!
Every Monday evening I receive personal quick-pulse energy sessions, I’m so grateful I have that energy-clearing support and so look forward to it every week. I think that’s why I often offer ‘series’ of sessions, I like to be here for you, more than just one time. I remember when I was being coached by Bob Proctor, who was instrumental in turning my life around, that although I did everything he suggested step by step, something was missing. Bob is a master at training the mind and I’ll be forever grateful for how he changed my life.
Have you ever known and been shown what will bring results, but just can’t get passed the fear or emotional blocks to consistently move forward toward what you want? It’s because there are layers of energy, untrue and harmful beliefs that are clouding your energy field, making it so difficult for who you really are to shine through. Clearing the energy of untrue beliefs held tightly, and clearing the energy of lifelong thought patterns passed on from our ancestors we lovingly inherited is the missing key. When those beliefs and patterns are gone, our life flows into the miraculous, where the reality of every day is a miracle and magic is at every turn. It’s so easy to get tricked into believing our thoughts are us, our beliefs are us. The truth is they aren’t, they are just thoughts; and beliefs are thoughts we have thought for so many years we think they are true and that they too are us, however thoughts (and beliefs) are not us. Thoughts are real, but they are not us. Our thoughts are very real, full of power and do create whatever we focus on, whether we like it or not. So, if we can get support to change our thought patterns and our untrue beliefs, new thoughts of inspiration, enthusiasm, and vision arise. A new life emerges for us as we focus on the new, the wonderful, the incredible.
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