Yesterday morning my husband choked up a bit as he reminded me of the story of the little boy on the beach throwing in starfish one at a time from hundreds that were stranded on the sandy shore.  When the boy was asked why he was bothering when there were so many needing to be thrown back in and that he couldn’t possibly make a difference, he replied as he tossed in the next starfish -‘ I just made a difference for that one.’

We and some friends have adopted a Christmas family this year and it’s been so much fun zeroing in on this family.  Sometimes though, we feel this tinge- there’s so many out there who could use a hand up and we’re just contributing to this one family.  I was grateful for my husband’s reminder – yes, and we are making a difference for this one, and that counts.

Giving presents to a family isn’t the same as giving life to a starfish connecting it back to it’s source of life, however, giving by just being who we are, that divine expression of love does breathe love (which is life) into all we touch, one person at a time…there is no greater gift.

A warm smile counts, a compassionate hug counts, a kind word counts, all expressions of love bring life to our soul and connect us back to our source where love breathes all of us everywhere.   Give who you are this season- the beautiful essence of you, one moment at a time, one person at a time – and know you are making all the difference in the world.